I have chosen these two images of Lincoln for my final pieces as I feel they are a good representation of the geographical area of Lincoln that I call home. It is on university campus over looking the river. I also chose these two images as despite only being here for three months I already have memories here, going to dinner with my friends on the waterfront and many more. I also walk past this location everyday to get to uni, and it never gets less beautiful. I also remember coming to the University open day and falling in love with the city straight away and how pretty it is. In other words these images to me have sentimental value and I feel lucky that I can call a place like Lincoln home.
I chose these two images to represent my home town as immediately this is what I think of. When I was at home I’d walk my dog everyday along the fields. I was also experimenting with perception and view. For instance the second image is of the dogs perspective. I feel that this tells more of a story and makes the dog appear as human like because the audience can relate to the view. I also chose these images as it shows great contrast between the two areas. It demonstrates that home is not just one place, for some people it could be many places.
Finally, I chose these two images to represent the feeling of home. I experimented with ‘bokeh’ effects as it glistens. This image also has elements of symmetry, the fairy lights are diagonal to each other, representing a balance and constant, representing home as safe and constant.
My second image represents the feeling of warmth and comfort of the home. A fireplace often connotes people sitting around it, representing the strong community I have at home.
On reflection I think these images work well, they describe my idea of home by showing memories, geographic area and the feeling I get when I’m home. I found this brief both interesting as you don’t normally think of this concept in much detail. When I started this project I didn’t consider Lincoln as home as much as I do now which is interesting what time can do. I also found it hard to represent my home correctly, but feel like I have achieved this well.
If I had more time on this project I would have liked to experiment in greater detail of how I could represent the feeling of home.
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