Research project



Still Life Apple

This image has been well lit, likely to be with studio lighting. The highlight is formed on the right, whilst the shadows are to the left. However the whole apple is still well lit, allowing the whole apple to be the main subject of the photo. The cast shadow is mainly on the right meaning the light is coming mostly from the right. In terms of composition, this image uses the rule of thirds as the slit in the apple is on the third line. The apple is also placed in the middle third of the photo horizontally. The needle is in the middle of the photo, possibly suggesting that it’s the most important thing there. As the apple is to the left of the image, it has created  empty space on the right, which has resulted in  a more interesting photo and put more emphasis on the apple as it appears that it is surrounded by darkness. One of the crosses made with the needle and thread is  symmetrical, making the image eye-catching. However the middle cross and the slit of the apple isn’t symmetrical, possibly representing disorientation. In terms of colour, this image uses green and red together. These are complementary colours meaning they stand out against each other and create maximum contrast. Green can often represent jealousy whilst red can represent love, lust and romance. This could indicate that this image represents relationship issues. Also when I look at this image, the apple reminds me of a broken heart being sewn together. In religious terms the apple could also be symbolic of knowledge, immortality, temptation and sin due to the Adam and Eve story.

The ISO setting is likely to be at 100 or 200 with a fast shutter speed in order to achieve a black background. This image is likely to be have been created using studio lighting to allow the shadows and highlights to form.

Research Project


This is an ephemeral sculpture created by Andy Goldsworthy. In terms of composition, this image uses the rule of thirds, which makes it look pleasing to the eye.  The image also uses symmetry in the lined patterns and  overall. The way the lines have been created draws us to look at the middle of the photo, as the eye follows leading lines. It is also darker in the middle, making it appear as though the lines are going inwards.

The symmetry of the lake is likely to have been created in the editing process. The artist may have done this to ‘finish off’ the work and make it more visually pleasing as it creates a balance. The image is well lit, possibly using natural lighting. We could assume that the camera was set on a low aperture allowing more light to come through the lens. The image uses highlights and shadows. The colours are harmonious with shades of blues and green, which make the image appear soft and calm. It also allows the contrast between white and black to stand out greater as opposed to using complimentary colours. The subject of the image can be inspiring as the photographer has created patterns out of the world around us, which are very unusual may make people look at things around them and appreciate them more.


Hello, I’m Olivia and I’m studying Media Production at the University of Lincoln. This is my online photography portfolio where you will find my thoughts, ideas, experiments and final images as I study Photography in the first semester. Enjoy! ☺